Plug and Play HR…

Get an Entire Dedicated Outsourced HR Department for a Fraction of the Cost.
Don’t settle for a single consultant, an “HR department of one,” or incompetent admins without a true HR background. My Virtual HR Director will provide you with an entire outsourced HR Department that will handle everything for your company. Outsource Human Resources with experts…
There is a lot that goes into HR.
You need to run payroll, you have employee problems, compliance requirements, onboarding, terminations, paperwork, processes, employee benefits… Is that a one person job?
Many companies employ a specialist for each of these practice areas. That’s a lot of employees just to take care of employees! Let My Virtual HR Director take care of the whole function with a team of experts that knows how to do it and can hit the ground running.
You need a team, not an “HR Rep” that you talk to once a month! Outsource Your HR Department to My Virtual HR Director and you get a full and focused HR team that will understand your business and your employees just like an internal HR staff.
A Full HR Team
For Less Than the Cost of One HR Executive
The cost of one HR professional might be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars!
My Virtual HR Director can provide your company an employee-facing dedicated HR team that doesn’t break your bottom line.
Be Careful Which Outsourced HR Service You Choose
One big reason to outsource Human Resources is to save money. Be careful what Outsourced HR Service you choose, because if you are just handing over HR from an overworked internal staff to an overworked outsourced HR staff, or an understaffed internal department to an understaffed outsourced department, then you are actually losing value. Many services that claim to be outsourced human resources are just a consultant hoping to be able to manage your department along with others.

Don’t mistake confidence for experience.
Ask Your HR Consultant the Right Questions
Many consultants come from large Fortune 500 companies and tout that as their reason to hire them. The problem with that type of experience is that it doesn’t fir your business. Large corporations run very differently and the HR focus is on systems and processes. Have you ever spent $30,000 on an employee engagement survey?
Other consultants have only ever worked for micro companies or start-ups. Still other consultants didn’t even come from HR, but rather wound up in HR. Maybe they were a receptionist who had to recruit some staff and the next thing you know, that person is the “HR Director.”

Maybe they can google answers for you, but is that really an upgrade for where you are now? Here’s a hint: Anyone who has had a “dual role” of HR AND [marketing], [accounting], [recruiting], fill-in-the-blank… in our experience is not the best fit for the task of being your HR expert.
My Virtual HR Director is Unique

A true HR expert gets that way by dealing with real-world problems… and a lot of them. Our HR Outsourcing Service ONLY provides HR experts with diverse backgrounds, specialized HR skills, and at least a decade of dedicated HR experience.
My Virtual HR Darector was founded by an HR Outsourcing expert who worked in every level of company demographics from start-ups, to mid-sized companies, to publicly traded behemoths. That includes a slew of industries including a large PEO where practically every industry is represented.
That is the model on which My Virtual HR Director stands. We know how a street level retail shop needs to operate just as soundly as we understand a 1000 employee financial services firm.
My Virtual HR Director doesn’t try to fit a solution used in a 10,000 employee company into a 30 person private company. We get you and we get your employees.
A Centralized HR Function
Picture a large company in which the HR department is centralized. Maybe HQ is in Kansas City, or maybe San Diego.
Employees deal with an HR representative who is in a remote corporate office and they communicate with HR via phone, text, and email; and managers conference with the HR experts whenever they need.
All administrative tasks and onboarding are automated through a powerful HRIS system that is tied in to payroll…
That is EXACTLY how My Virtual HR Director works when you outsource your HR function with us!

Imagine having real HR experts on hand who know your company and know your employees. How much time would that save when dealing with critical and complex employee issues!
We Work the Way You Want
Do you want employees to know that we are an outsourced HR provider? Some companies do. It shows employees that the company cares enough to go out of its way to hire an HR Outsourcing service. It also can provide comfort to employees knowing that the HR department is going to gossip about them at the watercooler. My Virtual HR Director can operat that way for you.
Do you want your HR Team to look and feel like we are internal employees of your company? We will do just that. Employees can come to HR with confidence and we will utilize your email and phone systems to act just like internal HR. You get the best of both worlds: saving money and keeping an employee-facing HR department with more expertise than you could ever imagine.
We Handle It All For You.
This is not an off-the-shelf, one-size-fits-all econo-service. You are playing with the big dogs. My Virtual HR Director is serious about Human Resources as a profession and we are serious about our clients’ and their employees receiving the best service. They deserve it. You deserve it.

Our customizable packages can handle any piece of your HR puzzle, or all of it. We can come alongside your existing HR staff and supplement their work or we can be the HR Department you always wished for!